Он не поборол рак.
Звучит он, как человек который "старается держаться".
И говорит о Хэте.
Господи, мужик, тебе скоро 60, ты болен раком, но ты всё равно продолжаешь мечтать о том, что Джеймс Хэтфилд таки любит тебя.
Это как-то жалко и больно почти физически.
Из интервью Роллинг Стоун
When you announced your diagnosis, there was an incredible outpouring from your fans and peers. That had to have felt good.
It did. It came as quite a surprise. A lot came from people that I knew but I didn’t know cared. Most notably, I got a text message back from my old brother, James Hetfield, and I was so, so happy to hear from him. Contrary to what anybody says and contrary to any of the act that we put on, I love James and I know that James loves me and cares about me. You can see that when the moment of truth is here and I’m telling the world that I’ve got a life-threatening disease. Who comes to stand next to me? James.
Одно из недавних фото.